"The past has no power over the present moment."
Eckhart Tolle

Sunday, June 26, 2011


What did you find surprising or striking as you furthered your knowledge about how people learn?
There were many surprises as I furthered my knowledge as to how people learned.  Although familiar with different learning theories, it was surprising to learn that people of different cultures bring different experiences to a classroom, which affects how they communicate, how they expect to learn, and what they think is worth learning.  It was also interesting to also learn that people are particular as to how they prefer to take in and process information.  Because learners have a feel as to their own abilities and expectations for success this will influence how they engage in the learning process.  Finally, the role that technology plays in our everyday learning process and how it can be implemented effectively in the educational process.

How has this course deepened your understanding of your personal learning process?
Although prior to this course I had never thought about my personal learning process, this course has taught me that it is important to understand your own personal learning process in order to expand your learning capabilities and be able to communicate those capabilities to others more effectively.  Knowing your personal learning style will help enable you to help students take control and manage their own learning as to setting goals and taking control of their own learning process.  Finally, identifying your learning style, will assist you as instructional designer in identifying not only your strengths and weakness but those of that you are instructing.

What have you learned regarding the connection between learning theories, learning styles, educational technology, and motivation?
Information that I have gathered as it pertains to the connection between learning theories, styles, educational technology and motivation is there is a place for each depending upon the situation and environment.   Whichever situation the instructional designer finds themselves in, they will require a thorough understanding of learning theories to enable them to motivate students and provide the appropriate learning environment.  The cookie cutter approach as it pertains to instruction should never be utilized. We are all different, learn differently, and all theories should be considered when designing instruction. A good instructional designer would serve not only themselves but also individuals they are designing instruction for well by being versed in a variety of theories as well how to utilize these theories to incorporate technology and motivate their students.   An important thing to remember is that the learning process is evolving on a continually basis.  Advancements in technology give the instructional designer a broad spectrum of tools to deliver education to their students in a mobile setting. 
How will your learning in this course help you as you further your career in the field of instructional design?
This course has prepared me for success in the field of instructional design because it has deepened my knowledge as to how individuals learn.  This will help me build on student’s experiences and prior knowledge in order to assist them in monitoring their own learning and performance.  Lastly, information presented is a good foundation as it pertains to the importance of utilizing technology to educate, i.e. webpages, mobile devices, video conferencing, etc. to educate.  With the variety of instructional technologies available now, it is important to ensure that the material we create and the method in which we deliver it teach concepts effectively and motivate our students to not only meet the objectives set for them, but also the students personal goals.
I look forward to applying what I have learned in this course.  This course has made me think in ways that I have never thought before.  I can now stand in the shoes of a student and ask myself important questions as to critique my design methods/delivery and assess is it affective or not.

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